How Does Chatbot Work?

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How Does Chatbot Work?

How Does Chatbot Work?

On this article, we will be answering the most interested question about chatbots in live support system How does chatbots work. Before diving down into the working system of chatbots, What is Chatbot? It's better to remind.
Chatbot or bot is a computer program which simulates human conversations. Users communicate with chatbot just like how they communicate with a real person. Chatbots work by analyzing and determining the intent of a user's request to extract relevant assets, which is the most important task of a chatbot. After analysis, the user receives the most relevant answer.

And how does a chatbot work?

Chatbots work by varying their features. The first one is the rule-based chatbot software. Just like the virtual assistant, the rule-based chat bot technology can act by recognizing a certain keyword or keyword group or based on clicking actions such as ''Yes'' or ''No''. For instance, in this chatbot model, when a visitor comes to your site, live chat sends a message to your support system. If you have answered the question before, the chatbot responds to the user. Usually a rule-based chatbot is pretty limited. It is designed to answer fixed commands. So, if someone asks something out of fixed command, the bot will not understand the question and will not give a proper answer. Bot's intelligent is dependent on how it is programmed.
Other chatbots use machine learning (ML) that helps the chatbot learn from the user's inputs and requests. ML is the computer's ability to self-learn from data, recognize patterns, and make decisions with minimal human intervention. Intellectually independent chatbots are trained to understand certain keywords and phrases. They train themselves to understand more questions. You can say that they learn from experience and train themselves. For instance, when you write to a chatbot ''I'm having trouble signing into my profile'', the bot understands the words ''trouble'', ''sign in'' and ''my profile'' and will reply with a pre-defined answer according to these words.
Another chatbot model is Artificial Intelligence Chatbots. Artificial intelligence based robots combines the best of the intellectually independent and rule-based bots. This chatbots use Machine Learning, Artificial Intellince and Natural Language Processing (NPL).
NPL is the ability to analyze and understand human speech, find the correct answer and replies in an understandable way for human language. NLP's purpose is to make the interaction between computers and humans feel like the communication between humans. In this model, the bot uses artificial intelligence in order to make recommendations about related contents and to speak with people. Because it has an artificial brain, a chatbot which uses machine learning works better than a rule-based chatbot. Not only commands but it also understands language. So the user does not have to use certain words in order to receive correct or helpful answers. Moreover, the bot learns from their interactions with users and can then deal with similar situations when they arise. It essentially gets smarter as it talks to more people. AI chatbots first understand your question and your intention, then gives an answer which seems correct to them by the previous data. The machine gets better at understanding which one is the ''correct'' answer by evaluating the correct and incorrect answers in time. Therefore, AI chatbots, even if they are strong, are not right for everyone because they require some training to run stably and often require more effort to get started. However, when they complete the necessary development, they can offer convenience in your business processes in many ways.

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